
Legendary Legion | Folklore Creature Embroidered Patches

Created by George Coghill

Folklore monster & creature patches: goblins, fairies, elves, trolls, ogres, and gnomes. Dungeons, dragons, wizards & barbarians!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Day 1: 89% funded! Thank you!
over 6 years ago – Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 03:22:54 PM

89% funded in the first 24 hours! Just wanted to post a quick update to say thank you to all you launch-day backers for helping push us extremely close to the funding goal in the first hours of the launch. 

This set was definitely a bit of a risk. The color palettes I ended up going with were a departure from the patches from previous campaigns leading up to this set. I wondered if I might lose some regular backers as I challenged myself creatively and explored new possibilities.

In addition to exploring new creative territories, this campaign's funding goal was higher than all of my previous (funded) campaigns. With the 6-patch set, this was again another risk as I'd never done this many patch designs at once. 

I'm very thankful to all of you who showed up on launch day and pledged your support. These campaigns can be very stressful -- and compounded with all these other chances I was taking, I was even more nerve-wracked than ever with this launch. Thank you for easing much of that!

In the next update, I'm going to share some behind-the-scenes stuff on the development of this patch set. I thought you all might enjoy a look at how these characters and color palettes evolved from way back in February of this year until launch. It's been an interesting journey, and curiously one that was affected by a severe arm injury this summer. 

Until then, thank you once again for not only your support of this project, but in particular to the bulk of you who are returning backers. Your ongoing support made it possible to even get to this point from way back in August 2014. 

This marks my 10th campaign launch(!), and I can't thank you enough for being an integral part of making each one of them possible.

The Monsterologist
